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20th November Know why is special around the world?

What is special about 20th November?

World Children’s Day 2023: Empowering Voices, Rights, and Resilience Worldwide

20th November, this day is considered very special all over the world. On this day in 1959, the United Nations General Assembly made the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and adopted its 10 guiding principles.

Talk about, in today’s era the new generation is very mature. In the times to come, the responsibility of their country and family lies on their shoulders. As children are the future of any family and country. Everyone hopes for a better future from the hands of children. That is why, except India, all over the world one day of the year is named after these children. Which is celebrated every year across the world as World Children’s Day.

Every year 20 November is celebrated as World Children’s Day. This day is celebrated all over the world with the aim of increasing awareness about the rights of children and improving their quality of life. World Children’s Day started on 20 November 1954.

History of World Children’s Day

The first World Children’s Day was celebrated in the year 1954. This day was celebrated as World Children’s Day on 20th November 1954. From that time this date was established as World Children’s Day, which is celebrated every year.

In 1959, the United Nations General Assembly made the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and adopted its 10 guiding principles. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness about the rights of children and improve their quality of life. Additionally it promotes intercultural understanding and increases children’s awareness of how to improve their own well-being.

World Children’s Day 2023: Empowering Voices, Rights, and Resilience Worldwide

The Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified by the United Nations General Assembly in 1959 with the proclamation of this Children’s Day. Additionally, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child celebrates its anniversary on 20 November. This day was chosen to celebrate as a result of Children’s Day.

Celebrated annually on November 20th, World Children’s Day brings attention to the rights, ambitions, and voices of children everywhere with colorful celebrations that resound across continents.

“Empowering Children, Building Resilience” is this year’s theme. It’s all about involving children in the process of creating a just and wonderful future. It’s akin to proclaiming, “Hey, you young people, you can change things!” It’s about encouraging them and telling them to persevere through difficult times. because they possess the fortitude to persevere in pursuing a better world in the face of adversity.

You would be shocked! There are exciting developments taking on in every location, from large cities to little towns. There are thought-provoking conversations, imaginative workshops, and a ton of exciting events taking place in classrooms, hangouts, and online. Getting kids motivated and thinking in fresh ways is the goal of all of them!

Look through social media; there is incredible content from young people all across the world! Young people are sharing stories, artworks and opinions about justice, the environment, education and health. Their topics are highly relatable, and their voices are incredibly insightful and emotional.

Apart from such activities, other international and national organizations around the world are setting standards for certain laws and regulations that give the highest priority to the rights and welfare of children. To establish a setting where every child may thrive, governments, non-governmental organizations, and youth-led initiatives are collaborating.

Even though today’s celebrations commemorate this significant day, the lesson is still very essential. Such as the imperative to listen, accept and act on children’s viewpoint. Their innovative ideas, brimming enthusiasm and unwavering resilience serve as catalysts for positive change, inspiring them to carve out a place for themselves in society where their voices are not only heard but also heeded. goes.

Recognizing that an investment made in children now contributes to a more sustainable and inclusive future is a touching moment on this day. As adults, educators, legislators, and world citizens we have a shared responsibility to support and empower the next generation.

Observing World Children’s Day on this particular day is evidence of the conviction that every child, irrespective of their circumstances, possesses potential. It is an affirmation of a brighter future for them, a celebration of their goals, and a pledge to ensure that their voices are heard in the corridors of power.

Importance of World Children’s Day:

On this day, a resolution was taken to provide rights to adults as well as children. Since then this day is celebrated as Children’s Day as the anniversary of child rights.

UNICEF‘s message for Children’s Day across the world

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