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Hazrat Abbas (A.S.) birthday celebrated with joy

In the heart of Old Lucknow, the air was filled with joy and religious fervor as the city celebrated the birthday of Hazrat Abbas (A.S), the revered figure in Islamic history. The occasion was marked by grand celebrations in mosques, imambadas, and homes, creating an atmosphere of happiness and reverence.

Venue: Rustam Nagar Dargah

The epicenter of the festivities was the historic Rustam Nagar Dargah, a site steeped in history and spirituality. Devotees and locals gathered to organize a ‘Majlis’—a congregation where people come together to remember and celebrate the life of Hazrat Abbas. The Dargah echoed with the poetic verses of famous shayars, and even the little ones enthusiastically presented their verses.

Celebrations at Hazrat Abbas Dargah

Following the Majlis, the celebration continued at the Hazrat Abbas Dargah, where a festive ambiance prevailed. The highlight was the cutting of a special birthday cake, symbolizing the joyous occasion. Special prayers were offered for the well-being of the community, and wishes for peace and prosperity echoed throughout the Dargah.

The Spirit of Hazrat Abbas

As the attendees immersed themselves in the celebrations, the spirit of Hazrat Abbas was vividly portrayed through inspirational stories and anecdotes. The gathering reflected on his life, drawing strength and motivation from his unwavering loyalty and sacrifice. The occasion served as a reminder of the values he stood for and the teachings he imparted.

The Grandeur of Ziyarat

The celebration reached its pinnacle with the grandeur of Ziyarat—a pilgrimage to the Alam of Hazrat Abbas. Thousands of devotees flocked to the Dargah, seeking blessings and connecting spiritually with the revered figure. The atmosphere was charged with devotion as people touched the Alam, expressing their deep reverence and faith.

In conclusion, the celebration of Hazrat Abbas’s birthday in Old Lucknow was not just a festivity but a spiritual journey. The communal gatherings at Rustam Nagar Dargah and Hazrat Abbas Dargah showcased the unity and devotion of the community. The event served as a reminder of the importance of coming together to celebrate faith, spreading joy, and seeking blessings from revered figures.

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  1. What is the significance of celebrating Hazrat Abbas’s birthday?
    • The celebration signifies the remembrance and reverence of Hazrat Abbas, a revered figure in Islamic history known for his loyalty and sacrifice.
  2. Why is Rustam Nagar Dargah chosen as the venue for the celebrations?
    • Rustam Nagar Dargah holds historical and spiritual significance, making it an ideal location for organizing Majlis and communal gatherings.
  3. What is the Alam of Hazrat Abbas, and why do people seek blessings from it?
    • The Alam is a sacred banner representing Hazrat Abbas, and people seek blessings by connecting with it, believing in the spiritual significance.
  4. How do the celebrations reflect the spirit of Hazrat Abbas?
    • The celebrations include sharing inspirational stories and reflecting on Hazrat Abbas’s life, emphasizing his values and teachings.
  5. What is the importance of Ziyarat in the celebration?
    • Ziyarat is a pilgrimage to the Alam of Hazrat Abbas, allowing devotees to seek blessings and connect spiritually with the revered figure.

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