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Patriarch of Antioch to succeed in Kerala capital on February 10

Patriarch of Antioch and head of the Common Syriac Orthodox Church Ignatius Ephrem II who’s on a tour of Kerala will attain the State capital on Saturday night for varied programmes.

The Patriarch, who will arrive at 7 p.m. on Saturday, might be given a reception at Mascot Resort by Main Archbishop Cardinal Mar Baselios Cleemis; Geevarghese Mar Coorilos Metropolitan; Mayor Arya Rajendran; Anoop Jacob, MLA; Swami Gururethnam Jnana Thapaswi; and Palayam Imam V.P. Suhaib Maulavi.

The subsequent day at 8.45 a.m., he might be ushered in a reception from Jacobs Junction to St. Peter’s Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Simhasana Cathedral. He’ll lead the Holy Mass at 9 a.m.

Malankara Metropolitan of the Jacobite Church Joseph Mar Gregorios, Kuriakose Mar Theophilos, Geevarghese Mar Koorilos, Issac Mar Osthathios might be among the many co-celebrants.

After the Holy Mass, the Patriarch will inaugurate the golden jubilee of the founding of the Jacobite congregation within the State capital. He’ll felicitate the founding office-bearers of the congregation and launch the jubilee memento on the event.

A reception might be given to the Patriarch by the Malankara Catholic Church led by Cardinal Mar Baselios Cleemis at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Pattom, at 5 p.m.

The Patriarch will return on Monday morning.

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